Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Life

If you knew me, you would probably describe me as different from everyone else. I've never fit in with the modern culture of fist pumping partiers.

Don't fret. Differences can co-exist peacefully. This is the way I see it.. You can drive your Prius but I'll drive my Chevy. Just stay out of my way, that's what the slow lane is for. Sure the Prius has better mileage, but my Chevy's faster which is more fun. First, some background..

I have been described as traditional and old school plenty of times.. And I don't consider that as a bad thing. I've never been in Midnight Rodeo and have never found appeal in the idea of going there. I've never stepped in a club. I do have been in a bar or two before, in Fort Worth, that I will admit to. But the experience wasn't enough to make me think that they're a must do on my list. I feel maybe I should explain the whole "fist pumping partiers" thing.

Back in high school, I had never gone to a party. Even in college, I still haven't gone to one. I don't plan on doing that, so does that make me a social outcast? I wouldn't think so. I'm sure there are young adults my age out there that have done the same, or "have not done" which is more fitting. Plus Jersey Shores is pretty dumb, even by today's standards. I have never, nor will I ever, found Snooki cute. Ugh. Who could? It seems that the only memberships the cast has is to the gym and the tanning salon. Wow, what a way to live your life.

I'm sure Alexander Supertramp never had a membership to either one

You see.. My life is more about getting out there. Living my life outside walls. How many of you guys have a bucket list? I have a humongous bucket list. I guarantee you I will never ever complete my bucket list. It would take a thousand lifetimes to do that. Some of the things on my bucket list are cars-related, like driving on some of the world-famous tracks like Nurburgring in Germany, Road Atlanta in Georgia, and some include events like an Illegal Downhill Soap Box Derby in San Francisco, the Moto Melee in California as well, and people I want to meet like Vern Tardell, Troy Ladd, or Jimmy Shine.

Salt Lake Flats, Bonneville, UT

Front Engine Dragster making a run.

But it's the non-cars related events that you guys are probably more interested in. So, I'll spare you the hot rod lingo and talk about some of the things I wish to accomplish in my short time here on earth. One thing I would love to do is live off the grid for a numer of months, like 6. Live completely out in the wild, in the middle of a beautiful valley, surrounded by mountains and trees, miles from civilization.

Or maybe even live on a ship on the ocean! Imagine all the fishing I could do, the sights I could go see, the places I could swim in, and the danger! The danger is something that I believe we all need to experience at least occasionally. How else would we appreciate living? Why should we stay in one house in one town for the rest of our lives? What's the point of living when we have a daily routine? We need to break that habit and get out there and live our lives to the fullest. God gave us a beautiful green earth that we're slowly killing off. We should appreciate its beauty and its natural design while we can. Think of it this way, the first time you smell a candle, do you think "that's all I want for the rest of my life?" No. You pick up the next candle and smell it to see what different scent it might hold. Then you pick up the next one and so on and on. Now, my point of living on a ship is that's something that we're fully capable of doing, but we never take the challenge. We think "I can't, I have a job, I have responsbilities, I have bills to pay." which are understandable. I'm not saying we should go and live on the road and never have a permament residence. I'm saying we should go out there every once in a while and see what else is out there behind the city limits.

I hope you guys find some inspiration from this post. I know some of these things that I talk about are ludricious, but we're only given a certain number of years to spend on this earth. And I refuse to spend those precious years on the dance floor or in a tanning bed. There's more to life than that.